Thursday, October 21, 2010

I can't begin to tell you how truly sad I am about what's taking place right now in this country. Everything I understood about what this country is stands for has been blurred, and turned inside out to such a profane and twisted degree, that I'm not only concerned, I'm frightened at what will become of this representative democracy of ours. The list of threats to our way of life is long, yet I would like to share what I believe to be among the most egregious. The first and arguably the most insidious is what is playing out this very minute as a result of our five wise and gifted conservative supreme court justices who in one stroke demolished decades of campaign finance reform laws. They have either knowingly or unknowingly sowed the seeds of this republic's demise. Let me be clear; our country will now start turning into something no longer recognizable. With the damn lifted which kept the very, very rich people and corporations, and foreign companies, and foreign governments, and anyone else with enough cash from "buying" an election, we will begin to see the total takeover of our entire government by whoever has the most money. Does that seem to you like a paranoid, irresponsible, far fetched, kooky idea? I would've thought so not long ago, yet consider this for a moment; already there are dozens of so-called organizations, and PAC's who are contributing millions of dollars to campaigns this year without being made to show where their money is coming from. Also, it's been proven that at least some of these new "organizations" are really just one or two individuals who filled out a couple of forms, and BAM, instant organization, some with really neat sounding names like; "Concerned Patriots for America", or "Concerned Ordinary Citizens". The difference in what now is pouring into the Republican Tea Party, and what Democratic candidates are being able to raise is quite literally the difference between our democracy, and what will become an Oligarchy. This is precisely what the framers wanted to guard against. Now, here today in this country, as I'm writing this piece, the very rich from here and all over the world are buying our next leaders. They are allowed to do that now. They are allowed to throw as much money as it takes at any election, to get anyone they wish elected. We are doomed!!!!
Am I being too cynical? Am I reading this whole "the sky's the limit, anonymous contributions" thing wrong? I don't think so. I see a greater threat in this situation, than our country has EVER faced. One of the hardest things for me to watch is the way these Tea Party regular citizens are being used. Such tools these poor souls are, and they would rather kill you than hear you say that Sarah Palin is a phony, money grubbing opportunist. The narrative has been so masterfully twisted as to have these people protesting, and ultimately voting against their own self interests, and any attempt to show them the scam- the farce behind all of it is totally useless. They hold signs saying "don't touch my health care" what? so they can be denied coverage from insurance companies that have raised their rates as high and as fast as the paperwork would let them, for pre-existing conditions, or that they've reached what the insurance company says is what their life is worth, and must now be dropped. Or get dropped because they didn't disclose they had a pimple on their ass when they signed up. The whole idea of health care for profit is a travesty of human existence. To profit from people dying in any other reality would be morally reprehensible, but we're living in some place a little strange these days... They hold signs and beliefs that say "government is too big and bad" Why? grandma doesn't like getting her SScheck? Jimbob wants his unemployment check to stop coming? They don't want help during an emergency? Clean water?, safe food?, civil rights? And government is "so big and bad", they claim government is interfering too much in our private lives, blah, blah, yet they see absolutely nothing wrong with the federal government being able to tell every woman who has been impregnated by a rapist, or family member that she WILL carry that baby, and that she WILL deliver it! What kind of crap is that? How could anyone force another human being to do that? But I digress...
I sincerely hope that the independent thinkers, and real patriots can some how fight back against this overwhelming threat. I just don't see how we could do it. After all, the ones who would destroy our democratic system are the ones with all the money. They also have five supremely dirty little aces in the hole!

PS. I refer to five Supreme Court Justices in my blog. The other four are at present, irrelevant.

1 comment:

  1. I was listening to NPR the other day, and without going into what the program they had on was about too much, I just want to say I absolutely love the idea of all the Atoms in my body, when the Formless "I AM" of my consciousness finally leaves to go manifest into some other physical or spiritual form, all getting together at that moment and 'looking' at each other in nostalgic camaraderie and realizing this will be the last time all of them will be together- working together to give form to what was Joseph Clay Huss (ME). Will they say "nice job everyone". Or "boy that Joe Huss was a tough form to hold together, how in the World did we do it for so long!". Idk. As they carry their experience of doing their part as a small piece of my kidney, or part of my ear, I wonder what other journeys and experiences await them. Of what other form will they take? They'll all carry with them the 'experience' of being once more, part of something 'larger than themselves'. And will they be able to use that experience in any of their future forms? Do they have a 'choice' in what forms they wish to be part of? Or are they simply 'assigned' by an impersonal Universe? And I wonder too, since their creation in the fiery crucible of Stars or the brilliant explosion of a long ago Supernova, what other forms they were a part of? How many different experiences must have every single one of the Atoms that will be part of my final form- or my forms of the past or present, have had before they all were brought together to create and help maintain the body my consciousness now inhabits? These are the questions that fill me with wonder. And these are the wonders which cause my questions. I hope you all remember to thank all the Atoms that came together to give your physical manifestation- your form- today! lol!
